What Does the Process Look Like When Working With an Educational Advocate?
Special Education Advocacy, Parenting Ellie Eckroth Special Education Advocacy, Parenting Ellie Eckroth

What Does the Process Look Like When Working With an Educational Advocate?

Obtaining the services of an Educational Advocate can be a challenging and overwhelming process. How can you be certain that they have the necessary qualifications? In this article, you will gain a better understanding of how working collaboratively with an advocate can assist you in creating an appropriate education plan for your child.

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IEP vs. 504 Plan: What is the Difference?

IEP vs. 504 Plan: What is the Difference?

An IEP describes the plan for a student receiving specialized education services whose disability negatively impacts their learning. A student qualifies for a 504 plan when they have a disability that does not affect their learning but limits major life activities such as walking, hearing, and speaking.

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